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In their issue 1-2 / 2017 the Kunststoff International refers to the actual Composites -Market-Report.

"German Composites Industry Remains Optimistic" - Read more


composites soltuions Vol. 1-2017

 Following the 2nd International Composites Congress in Düssledorf [...], the members of the German Federattion of Reinforced Plastics (AVK) held a members´meeting at which a new board was elected under AVK´s regular cycle. Two members are leaving the current board for personal reasons >> read more

Düsseldorf. At Composites Europe 2014, Dr. Michael Effing, who has been re-elected as Chairman of Composites Germany for a further year, announced the business association's concept for a new Composites Germany conference under the working title "Composites – On the Path to Becoming a Key Industry?". The conference will highlight the aspects of the industry that generate innovations and can contribute to the transformation of the composites sector into a key area of the national economy. "I am delighted and honoured to have retained the trust of my colleagues, who have elected me to this office once again. Over the coming year I wish to dedicate my energies, above all, to making the first edition of this conference a great success," says Effing.
