Lightweight construction enables material- and energy-efficient production processes, secures millions of jobs and significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Despite these benefits, funding programs have been stopped due to budget cuts. The Strategy Advisory Board therefore calls for the continuation of funding for technology transfer in lightweight construction in order to exploit economic, ecological and technological potential.
AVK/Composites Germany is represented on the initiative's advisory board by Dr. Elmar Witten, Managing Director of AVK.
You can download the position paper of the strategy advisory board here (german).
Against the current backdrop of funds that have become available from other sources in the federal budget, the German composites industry is appealing to politicians to once again support the TTP LB and its funding to the planned extent! The program must also be revived, especially for medium-sized companies and start-ups, to ensure their competitiveness and thus to secure and create future-proof jobs in order to ultimately contribute to maintaining prosperity in Germany.
You can find the full press release here (german).
Composites Germany - Results of the 23rd Composites Market Survey are available
For the 23rd time, Composites Germany ( has collected current key figures on the market for fiber-reinforced plastics. All member companies of the supporting associations of Composites Germany: AVK and Composites United as well as the associated partner VDMA were surveyed.
In order to ensure that the different surveys can be compared without any problems, no fundamental changes were made to the survey this half-year. Once again, mainly qualitative data was collected in relation to current and future market developments.
Read here the full press-release.
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) had created a very popular and successful funding program for lightweight construction with the Lightweight Construction Technology Transfer Program (TTP-LB).
The funds from the program came from the Climate and Transformation Fund.
As a result of the ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court on the Climate and Transformation Fund and the resulting austerity measures by the Federal Government, all further funding for the TTP-LB has been cut. This means that no more projects can be funded.
At their meeting on June 12/13, 2024, the economics ministers of the federal states asked the BMWK to provide the TTP-LB with additional funds. Composites Germany, in collaboration with Composites United, underpinned this appeal by the state economics ministers with a letter from industry and research.
On 15 August 2024, representatives from industry, SMEs and research addressed an appeal to Economics Minister Robert Habeck to emphasize the crucial role of lightweight construction for the energy transition and climate protection. Lightweight construction enables considerable savings in resources and emissions, for example in the automotive and aviation industries as well as in construction.
Read the appeal to Minister Habeck here (german)
Composites Germany - Results of the 22nd Composites Market Survey are available
For the 22nd time, Composites Germany ( has collected current key figures on the market for fiber-reinforced plastics. All member companies of the supporting associations of Composites Germany: AVK and Composites United as well as the associated partner VDMA were surveyed. In order to ensure that the different surveys can be compared without any problems, no fundamental changes were made to the survey. Once again, mainly qualitative data was collected in relation to current and future market developments.
Critical assessment of the current business situation
After consistently positive trends were seen in the assessment of the current business situation in 2021, this has slipped since 2022. There is still no sign of a trend reversal in the current survey. (see fig. 1). The reasons for the negative sentiment are manifold and were already evident in the last survey. At present, politicians do not seem to be able to create a more positive environment for the industry with appropriate measures. Overall, Germany in particular, but also Europe, is currently experiencing a very difficult market environment.
However, the main drivers of the current difficult situation are likely to be the persistently high energy and commodity/raw material prices. In addition, there are still problems in individual areas of the logistics chains, for example on the main trade/container routes, as well as a cautious consumer climate. A slowdown in global trade and uncertainties in the political arena are currently fueling the negative mood in the market. Despite rising registration figures, the automotive industry, the most important applica-tion area for composites, has not yet returned to its former volume. The construction industry, the second most important key area of application, is currently in crisis. Alt-hough the order books are still well filled, new orders are often failing to materialize. High interest rates and material costs coupled with the high cost of living are having a partic-ularly negative impact on private construction, but public construction is also currently unable to achieve the targets it has set itself.
Read here the full press-release
This is the 21st time that Composites Germany has identified the latest performance indicators for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK and Composites United, as well as the associated partner VDMA.
Critical assessment of current business situation
After consistently positive trends were evident in the assessment of the current business situation in 2021, this slipped in 2022. For the third time in a row, the current survey shows pessimistic assessments. The reasons for the negative mood are manifold. However, the main drivers are likely to be the still high energy and commodity prices. In addition, there are still problems in individual areas of the logistics chains as well as a restrained consumer climate. Despite rising registration figures, the automotive industry, the most important application area for composites, has not yet returned to its former volume. This also illustrates the change in strategy of European OEMs to move away from volume models towards high-margin vehicle segments. The construction industry, the second central area of application, is currently in crisis. Although the order books are still well filled in many cases, new orders are often not forthcoming. High interest rates and material costs combined with a high cost of living are placing a heavy burden on private construction in particular. A real decline in turnover of 7% is currently expected for the construction industry in 2023.
Please read here the full press release.
This is the 20th time that Composites Germany has identified the latest performance indicators for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK and Composites United, as well as the associated partner VDMA.
General economic developments are dampening mood in composite industry
Like all industries, the composite industry has been affected by strong negative forces in recent years. The main challenges over the last few years have been the Covid pandemic, a shortage of semiconductors, supply chain problems and a sharp rise in the price of raw materials. Furthermore, there have been numerous isolated effects that added to the pressure on the industry.
The main challenges during the past year were primarily a steep increase in energy and fuel prices and the cost of logistics. In addition, the war in Ukraine put a further strain on supply chains that had already been weakened. Overall, the stock market prices for both electricity and petroleum products are currently showing a clear downward trend. However, the significantly lower prices have not yet percolated from manufacturers and buyers to the end customer. The aforementioned effects have further dampened the mood in the composites industry. The index assessing the current general business situation in Germany and Europe has dropped even further than before. However, the assessment of the global situation is somewhat more positive.
Please read here the full press release.
Society and the economy are facing existential challenges. In addition to the consequences of climate change, these include the realisation that energy and many resources are no longer available in the usual quantities, so that their efficiency must be significantly increased in the short term. Lightweight construction, especially with fibre composite materials, can and will make an important contribution here, e.g. in wind power plants or hydrogen storage systems. As an umbrella organisation, Composites Germany represents the capabilities and interests of the German fibre composite industry. With the re-entry of Composites United, Composites Germany will combine the forces of the two leading composites networks in Germany and its position will be significantly strengthened. Changed framework conditions make the re-entry possible and necessary.
VDMA and Leichtbau BW will continue to support the work of Composites Germany as associate members and contribute the know-how of their members. "Together, the organisations will promote sustainable lightweight construction as a key technology for Germany, focusing on composites materials," says Prof. Klaus Drechsler of Composites United, one of the two board members of Composites Germany. "As a network and mouthpiece of the composites industry, Composites Germany bundles the interests of its members. The aim is to continuously expand activities, promote innovations and technologies, develop new markets and new value chains, and anchor training and further education," adds his board colleague Dr Michael Effing of AVK. The agreement was concluded on 29 November 2022 during the JEC Forum DACH in Augsburg, where both associations were cooperation partners of the event.
Please find here the press release as a PDF file.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Drechsler - Composites United Dr. Michael Effing - AVK
This is the 19th time that Composites Germany has identified the latest performance indicators for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the three major umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, Leichtbau Baden-Württemberg and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey have been left unchanged. Once again, the data obtained in the survey is largely qualitative and relates to current and future developments in the market.
Current crises are dampening mood in composites industry
Both the economy in general and industry in particular are struggling with numerous challenges at the moment. The Covid-19 pandemic has now had a negative impact for over two years and is still affecting a range of segments of the composites industry. One area that has been hit especially hard by the resulting losses is the mobility sector. Another major strain has been a sharp rise in energy costs recently. Above all, we can expect price increases in fuel and gas to become a central issue over the next few months. In addition, there are still problems along international supply chains, coupled with steep increases in raw material prices, partly due to bottlenecks in the supply. The war in Ukraine has put an additional strain on many business sectors, affecting their supply chains, in particular.
In the current survey, both these and other effects have had a major negative impact on the mood in the composites industry.
This is the 18th time that Composites Germany ( has identified the latest KPIs for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the three major umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, Leichtbau Baden-Württemberg and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey have been left unchanged. Once again, the data obtained in the survey is largely qualitative and relates to current and future market developments.
Assessment of current business situation is brightening up
Both the economy in general and industry in particular are currently struggling with numerous challenges. They include the ongoing challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, the currently apparent shortage of raw materials and the lack of semiconductors with its massive impact on production, especially in two markets: passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The situation is extremely tense in some segments, while others are only marginally affected.
The composites industry is highly heterogeneous, and areas of application can be found in nearly all its relevant segments. These have been and still are being impacted by the above-mentioned effects in very different ways. Unlike the rather gloomy picture that is often expressed, the respondents in this latest survey give a somewhat more positive assessment of today’s business situation. 70% of respondents describe the current general situation as positive or even highly positive. The relevant index has therefore risen significantly, with values that are clearly approaching the pre-crisis level.
This is the seventeenth time that Composites Germany ( has identified the latest KPIs for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the three major umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, Leichtbau Baden-Württemberg and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey have been left unchanged. Once again, the data obtained in the survey is largely qualitative and relates to current and future market developments.
Highly positive rating of current business situation
After ratings of the current business situation had been steadily declining for nearly two years in succession, last year’s survey already displayed a trend reversal towards a more positive outlook. This positive trend has now continued in the latest survey, with entirely positive ratings for all three regions (Germany, Europe and worldwide). For example, 80% described the current general business situation as either positive or indeed very positive.
This is the sixteenth time that Composites Germany ( has identified the latest KPIs for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the three major umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, Leichtbau Baden-Württemberg and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey have been left unchanged. Once again, the data obtained in the survey was largely qualitative and related to current and future market developments.
This is the fifteenth time that Composites Germany ( has identified the latest KPIs for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the three major umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, Leichtbau Baden-Württemberg and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey have been left unchanged. Once again, the data obtained in the survey was largely qualitative and related to current and future market developments.
On 1 June the trade association Composites Germany expanded its network as it was joined by the lightweight construction company Leichtbau Baden-Württemberg (Leichtbau BW). “It really is a natural fit. Lightweight construction is a game changing technology that will continue to gain in significance, while taking into account the current focus on climate protection. It perfectly supplements the portfolio of Composites Germany, creating sustainable synergies for the existing partners and their members. We look forward to working with the association, and we are confident that it will bear fruit – locally, nationally and internationally,” says the Managing Director of Leichtbau BW, Dr. Wolfgang Seeliger.
In the future, Composites Germany will focus not only on meeting the interests of manufacturers and processors of composite components, but also on the interaction with other materials in hybrid lightweight construction applications.
Participation in Composites for Europe
Marc Kirchhoff, Chairman of the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies, comments on the forthcoming trade show Composites for Europe: “As in previous years, Composites Germany will have its own pavilion at Composites for Europe in Stuttgart, from 10 to 12 November, and will be organising the Innovation Forums in the exhibition halls.” High-calibre speakers will be reporting on innovations and new applications in the areas of transport, construction & infrastructure, sports & leisure and the circular economy. Furthermore, the presentations will include the Technology Camp on Innovations in Lightweight Construction, organised by Leichtbau BW.
A powerful network in Germany and Europe
“Composites Germany is pleased to welcome Leichtbau BW as a new member, so that we can benefit from its support. We represent the German composites industry in Europe through active membership in the European umbrella organisation EuCIA, where we are the largest national network,” says Dr. Michael Effing, Chairman of the Federation of Reinforced Plastics (AVK) and of Composites Germany. Composites Germany also had a major hand in developing the EuCIA Lifecycle Assessment Tool, which is free for all processors and enables them to assess the environmental impact of component manufacturing. One focal area at the moment is producing recycling policies and solutions for European composites manufacturers.
Composites Germany is closely involved in the committees of the Lightweight Construction Initiative, set up by the German Federal Ministry of Economics, as well as in the industrial advisory board and the strategy group for the regional organisations.
This is the fourteenth time that Composites Germany ( has identified the latest KPIs for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. The survey covered all the member companies of the three major umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, Composites United and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey have been left unchanged. Once again, the data obtained in the survey was largely qualitative and related to current and future market developments.
In-depth insights into the GRP market will be presented this year at the beginning of the fifth ICC during Composites Europe 2019 in Stuttgart. Dr Elmar Witten from the Federation of Reinforced Plastics (AVK) will start with an overview of market developments and trends in Europe and the world. His presentation will be followed by a close look at the composites market in the United Kingdom, this year’s guest country of the ICC. Sue Halliwell from Composites UK and Nigel O’Dea from Lucintel will present facts and figures of the fibre-reinforced plastics market and will also explain the most essential trends and specific features of the composites market in the UK. Next, there will be a close look at the market in the United States. Dan Coughlin from the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) will present an overview of the market in one of the world’s biggest economies and will also look at the trends of the future.
One major trend will then be outlined by Dr Christine Eisenmann from the DLR Institute of Transport Research in her keynote presentation on automobility from the perspective of transport research. On average, people in Germany are covering half of all journeys by car, and the market is currently still growing, although it is in a continuous state of flux. This leads to opportunities that need to be grasped. Dr Christine Eisenmann will be discussing current research based on a range of key concepts, such as automated driving, electric vehicles, renewable fuels and car sharing schemes.
After the joint start of this year’s conference, delegates can choose between two thematic areas: Building & infrastructure and New Mobility/Transportation. The second day will focus on thermosets and thermoplastics as well as process technologies and bio-based composites. The third day will conclude the conference with talks on regulations and new applications. Thanks to the new concept of ICC 2019, there will be many opportunities to leverage synergies from the trade show that is held in parallel. For example, applications can be shown in practice, thematically guided tours can be conducted around the trade show, and, in particular, it will be possible to chat and network with others.
Further details about the conference and the various options for taking part can be found at:
From material requirements in “New Mobility” and in the construction sector to progress in the large-scale production of composites components to new markets: the International Composites Conference 2019 will inject fresh impetus for innovation into the market. From 10 to 12 September, the industry meeting will bring together processors and users of fibre-reinforced plastics from across Europe in Stuttgart. New: the conference will take place concurrently with the COMPOSITES EUROPE trade fair this year. The lecture programme, which is designed by the trade association Composites Germany, and the trade fair are moving closer together as well when it comes to the topics covered.
In future COMPOSITES EUROPE and the trade association Composites Germany will cooperate even more closely and organise the International Composites Conference (ICC) jointly from 2019. The conference structure will be significantly revised and the former separation between trade fair and lecture events will end. This has been announced by trade fair organiser Reed Exhibitions and Composites Germany.
Joint congress to be organised by Reed Exhibitions and the trade association Composites Germany
Reed Exhibitions and the trade association Composites Germany will be working together even more closely from 2019. Composites Germany combines the talents of the four most important organisations in the German composites industry: AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. (AVK), Carbon Composites e. V. (CCeV), CFK-Valley and the VDMA working party for hybrid lightweight construction technologies. As part of the new plan, Reed Exhibitions and Composites Germany will organise the International Composites Congress (ICC) jointly in future. The announcement was made by the two parties at COMPOSITES EUROPE, which took place in Stuttgart from 6 to 8 November. Until now, the ICC has been organised by Composites Germany as a kick-off event for COMPOSITES EUROPE. In future, there will be an integrated concept for the whole event that brings the fair and congress closer together.
This is the eleventh time that Composites Germany has identified the latest KPIs for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. Again, the survey covered all the member companies of the four biggest umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, CCeV, CFK-Valley and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey had been left unchanged. Once again, the data obtained in the survey was largely qualitative in relation to current and future market developments.
The composites industry currently has numerous innovations in its process technologies, especially for hybrid structures and integrated manufacturing, e.g. for high-performance SMC manufacturing with carbon fibre reinforcement, for thermoplastic components and for quality assurance.
The 4th international Composites Congress (ICC) will take place from 5 to 6 November 2018 in Stuttgart. One of the two series of talks will therefore address precisely these topics.
This is the tenth time that Composites Germany ( has identified up-to-date KPIs for the fibre-reinforced plastics market. Again, the survey covered all the member companies of the four biggest umbrella organisations of Composites Germany: AVK, CCeV, CFK-Valley and the VDMA Working Group on Hybrid Lightweight Construction Technologies.
As before, to ensure a smooth comparison with the previous surveys, the questions in this half-yearly survey had been left unchanged. The data obtained in the survey was largely qualitative again in relation to current and future market developments.
At the last Board meeting of the trade association Composites Germany on 20 November 2017 Michael Effing, PhD, Chairman of the Board of the Federation of Reinforced Plastics (AVK) and Managing Director of AMAC GmbH, was confirmed in his office as Chairman of the Board of Composites Germany.
In their issue 1-2 / 2017 the Kunststoff International refers to the actual Composites -Market-Report.
"German Composites Industry Remains Optimistic" - Read more
composites soltuions Vol. 1-2017
Following the 2nd International Composites Congress in Düssledorf [...], the members of the German Federattion of Reinforced Plastics (AVK) held a members´meeting at which a new board was elected under AVK´s regular cycle. Two members are leaving the current board for personal reasons >> read more
Technical Textiles International - January 2017
From its industry leaders to its politicians, Germany has grasped the importance of carbon fibrereinforced composites to the future of manufacturing and is taking steps to secure its position in global markets.
Adrian Wilson reports in this actual article in Technical Textiles International
3rd ICC - Call for presentations
The trade association Composites Germany invites you to submit your presentations for the 3rd International Composites Congress (ICC), which will take place at the ICS International Congresscenter Stuttgart from 18 – 19 September 2017. Presentations should provide information about innovations in the area of fibre reinforced plastics/composites.
This new Composites Germany Congress takes place the second time and is again the prelude to the European trade fair COMPOSITES EUROPE (19.09.-21.09.2017)
Presentations are requested on the following themes under the guiding title "Composites - On the Path to Becoming a Key Industry?"
Take advantage of this opportunity to present your latest innovations to an auditorium of international experts.
Please submit your presentation to the Composites Germany office by no later than 24. März 2017.
You can download forms for submitting your presentation at our website or request them by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Press enquiries:
Composites Germany - Dr. Elmar Witten - spokesman for the management of Composites Germany
At the last Board meeting of the trade association Composites Germany on
9 December 2016 Michael Effing, PhD, Chairman of the Board of the Federation of Reinforced Plastics (AVK) and Managing Director of AMAC GmbH, was confirmed in his office as Chairman of the Board of Composites Germany.
At the same time Elmar Witten, PhD, Managing Director of AVK was confirmed as Chief Executive Officer of Composites Germany.
Both will serve in their respective capacities for another year.
Nearly 250 delegates were welcomed to the 2nd International Composites Congress at the Congress Center Düsseldorf (CCD) from 28 to 29 November 2016. Guests came from over 20 countries, so that the level of internationalism was extremely high, reflecting the enormous interest in the motto of the convention, “How Can Composites Become a Key Industry?”.
The programme of the convention included topics such as process technology, material developments, new composite applications, e.g. in architecture, as well as lifecycle analysis and recycling.
Nearly 250 delegates were welcomed to the 2nd International Composites Congress at the Congress Center Düsseldorf (CCD) from 28 to 29 November 2016. Guests came from over 20 countries, so that the level of internationalism was extremely high, reflecting the enormous interest in the motto of the convention, “How Can Composites Become a Key Industry?”.
The programme of the convention included topics such as process technology, material developments, new composite applications, e.g. in architecture, as well as lifecycle analysis and recycling.
Read MoreAdrian Wilson talks to Michael Effing, President of the new Composites Germany
Read more
Interview with Dr. Michael Effing, President of Composites Germany
Read more
THE meeting point of the international composites community from 28 to 29 Nov. 2016
After the great success of the 1st International Composites Congress, the industry association Composites Germany is set to hold its next convention in Düsseldorf from 28 to 29 November 2016. This year’s partner country is Japan, which will be represented by several exclusive speakers. Prof. Takashi Ishikawa from the National Composites Center Japan will be giving a talk on “Technological Developments and Market Prospects of Composites in Japan”.
Running under the motto “Composites – on the Path to Becoming a Key Industry”, over 30 international speakers will present the latest trends and developments in the composites segment.
Read MoreDr. Michael Effing, Chairman, and Dr. Elmar Witten, Spokesperson for the Management, were re-elected to their offices for a further year at the last meeting of the Board and Executive Management of the trade association Composites Germany. The meeting also defined the next steps for establishing composites as a key industry in high wage countries.
Read MoreComposites Germany chairman believes composites applications still huge potential.
Read more.
Düsseldorf. At Composites Europe 2014, Dr. Michael Effing, who has been re-elected as Chairman of Composites Germany for a further year, announced the business association's concept for a new Composites Germany conference under the working title "Composites – On the Path to Becoming a Key Industry?". The conference will highlight the aspects of the industry that generate innovations and can contribute to the transformation of the composites sector into a key area of the national economy. "I am delighted and honoured to have retained the trust of my colleagues, who have elected me to this office once again. Over the coming year I wish to dedicate my energies, above all, to making the first edition of this conference a great success," says Effing.
Composites Germany, the trade association founded in 2013, has replaced the AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V. (Federation of Reinforced Plastics) as a member of the EuCIA (European Composites Industry Association).
Read MoreDr. Elmar Witten, Spokesman for the Management of Composites Germany, interviewed the members of the board of the newly founded trade association at this year's K Trade Fair, which took place from 16 - 23 October 2013 in Düsseldorf. Composites Germany combines the strengths of four major organisations: AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. (AVK), Carbon Composites e. V. (CCeV), CFK-Valley Stade e. V. (CFK-Valley) and Forum Composite Technology in the VDMA (VDMA). The following people took part in this interview: Chairman of the Board Dr. Michael Effing, AVK, Prof. Axel Herrmann, CFK-Valley, Dr. Reinhard Janta, CCeV, Frank Peters, VDMA.
Stuttgart. The four major organisations within the German fibre reinforced composites industry have announced the foundation of a joint umbrella organisation at the Composites Europe 2013 trade fair: together they will form the trade association Composites Germany. The founding members of Composites Germany, which is based in Berlin, are AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. (AVK), Carbon Composites e. V. (CCeV), CFK-Valley Stade e. V. (CFK-Valley) and Forum Composite Technology in the VDMA (VDMA).
Read More